LCC Welcomes New Director of Domestic Missions, Rev. Jacob Quast! SOLI DEO GLORIA!

Watch the Installation Service of Rev. Jacob Quast as LCC Director of Domestic Missions and join with all LCC in thanksgiving, prayers and praises for God’s saving gifts in Jesus Christ and the work to come by the work of the Holy Spirit!

WINNIPEG – On May 5, Rev. Jacob Quast was installed as Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Director of Domestic Missions. He began work at LCC’s synodical office in Winnipeg on May 1. “As I enter this new position, it is with deep humility for the trust that is being shown me by Synod to undertake such a responsibility,” Rev. Quast said… (READ MORE from the Canadian Lutheran article.)

Getting to Know LCC’s New Director of Domestic Missions

Rev. Jacob Quast answers 7 questions about himself and his new role as LCC’s Director of Domestic Missions. (READ MORE from the Canadian Lutheran article of June 6, 2024)

Prayers for Ministry, Missions and Outreach

+ + + To God alone be all glory
and the Good News of His Salvation in Christ
be to all people everywhere! + + +

LCC’s Ottawa Circuit Spring Forum – May 11, 2024


3,000 kms is an enormous size for a circuit in LCC. Circuits are normally a distance that can be driven in 1-3 hours from end to end, and people can get to know other people, pastors and churches fairly easily. Our Ottawa Circuit is by far the most spread out in LCC, with 16 congregations serving in both official languages at 22+ preaching points in 6 provinces over three time-zones… whew!

Despite all that, we are bound together in part exactly because we have these great distances in common; yet we have been bound together even more strongly by a common confession of faith given to us by the Spirit through the Word, that is stronger than mere human ties. So we continue to work together as God gives us opportunity and to gather and rejoice in our unity and fellowship at these Circuit Forums twice a year, in person as we can and thankful for the ability to join together online when in person is not possible.

This Saturday May 11th, 2024, come join us to  hear God’s Word, sing and pray together, to learn more about the ongoing and new work of the churches and missions (and chaplains!) of the circuit, learn about and discuss current needs and opportunities to work together, and receive encouragement in the faith and for reaching out in Word and Deed with the love God has for us all.

Last Fall 2023, we met at St Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ottawa, and we are so thankful for their hospitality.

This Spring 2024, our gracious hosts are the people and pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Petawawa, ON. There are always changes in our circuit, including some you may not have heard about – and there may be ways we together can help, support and encourage each other in word and in deed.  You can help even just by joining the conversation, and you never know when what is going on somewhere else may turn out to help what is happening at your end of the circuit, or vice-versa!

Come in person if you can, but encourage everyone from your church to join us online too even if they can’t travel to Petawawa. We will provide as good an online participation as possible. Our Guest Speaker, Rev. Mark L Smith, Director of LCC International Missions, will be joining us to talk about to help us learn about the International Mission work of LCC and lead us in Bible Study in person, but the conversation will take place across the circuit!


(though our circuit spans 3 time zones – Eastern, Atlantic and Newfoundland – all times below are in the Eastern time zone; for Atlantic, please add one hour, and for Newfoundland, add 1.5 hours)

LCC’s Ottawa Circuit
2024 Spring Circuit Forum and Convocatgion
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Petawawa Ont

9:30 – Arrive, coffee, fellowship

10:00 – Opening worship – Preacher: Rev. Matthew Habermas, pastor of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Petawawa

10:45 – 12:15 – Session 1 – Rev. Mark L Smith, Director of LCC International Missions, on the work we pray for and support as the Body of Christ through the International Mission Work of Lutheran Church-Canada – Presentation and Bible Study

12:15 pm – 1pm – Lunch and fellowship time together

1pm – 2pm – Session 2 – Our Life and Work together (“Reports” and “Business”)

2pm – 3pm – Session 3 – Discussion on “An Open Letter to the Pastor in a Post-Christian world by Gene Veith” — Don’t loose hope: times are changing – but can you see the new opportunities?

3pm – Closing prayer and benediction

3:15pm – Tidy up and head home!


… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC congregation in the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited to the 2024 Spring Circuit Forum!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person or online by end of day, Sunday May 4th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!
  • Each congregation of our Circuit is asked to send at least one lay delegate and one pastoral delegate (whether in person or online) as they are your ears and your voice in case any decisions need to be made and to bring news and opportunities back to those who could not attend.
  • Did you know? These Official Congregational Delegates may be entitled to have their transportation costs covered if needed through a circuit-wide cost-sharing assessment program. (Please ask if you are unsure or have questions.)
  • Please let us know in the comment box below if you know you will arrive late or need to leave early to help us plan the day.

… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC or LCMS church NOT part of the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited to the 2024 Spring Circuit Forum too!
  • Please register below and indicate your home church’s name in the comment box.
  • We would be glad to have you with us (in person or online) and will get back to you with additional details if needed!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person or online by end of day, Sunday May 4th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!

To register to attend in person or online, please complete the form below.

For online attendees, we will send out a link to join before the day of the Forum.


A big huge thank you to Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church and to Pastor Habermas for being willing to host this Circuit Forum and to the ladies and other supporters who are helping provide refreshments and a lunch!

If you have any questions, suggestions, RSVPs, already know you will not be able to make it, or would like to offer to help, etc – please let us know in the comments box on the registration form below.God grant His blessings on our congregations and missions, people and pastors, missionaries, deaconal workers and chaplains, on our life together as His Church, and on our plans for our Forum!

All Glory be to God Alone!

— the Ottawa Circuit Ministry and Mission Support Committee


Registration is now closed. The Forum was fantastic! Great sermon (Pr Habermas), great speaker and Bible Study (Pr Smith), and great reports and updates shared from across the circuit and beyond!

Next Forum will be at Our Saviour Lutheran Church, Ottawa, Oct 19 2024 – see you there!

LCC’s Ottawa Circuit Forum – October 21, 2023


People, deaconal workers and pastors from across our 3,000 km-wide Ottawa Circuit with 22+ preaching points in 6 provinces will gather this Saturday October 21st 2023 in person and online to  hear God’s Word, sing and pray together, learn more about the ongoing and new work of the churches of the circuit, learn about and discuss current needs and opportunities to work together, and receive encouragement in the faith and for reaching out in Word and Deed with the love God has for us all.

There have been a number of changes in our circuit since we met last Spring in Pembroke, including some you may not have heard about – and there may be ways we together can help, support and encourage each other in word and in deed.  You can help even just by joining the conversation, and you never know when what is going on somewhere else may turn out to help what is happening at your end of the circuit, or vice-versa!

“DYNAMITE! LCC Mission and outreach in 2023
in Quebec and beyond”

DYNAMITE ! God’s Word is living and life-giving :  the Gospel  is the power (this word in Greek is the root for the word dynamite!) of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16) that explodes and blows away old  death-bearing structures – those stifling, sinful, rut and routine-ridden habits – and disrupts sin in us to give way to God’s new creation, new thought, new life ! That is what occurs wherever the Word takes hold, and so of course  through you in the form of Lutheran Church Canada’s French Ministries. Come and hear how this is happening even at this very moment that you are reading these lines !

This is a great topic for us as we gather to consider our work individually and as the body of Christ in His Churches of the Ottawa Circuit and beyond.

Come in person if you can, but encourage everyone from your church to join us online too. We will provide the as good online participation as possible. Our Guest Speaker Mr David Friesen will be joining us in person, but the conversation will take place across the circuit!


(all times are in the Eastern time zone; for Atlantic, please add one hour, and for Newfoundland, add 1.5 hours)

9:30 – Arrive, coffee, fellowship
10:00 – Opening worship
Preacher: Rev. Aaron Astley, pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church, Ottawa
10:45 – Session 1 : Guest speaker and discussion: LCC Missionary-at-Large to francophones – Topic for presentation and discussion:

“LCC Mission and outreach in 2023 in Quebec and beyond”

12:00 Lunch (please register below) and fellowship
12:45 Hymn sing
1:00 – Session 2 – News, business, opportunities and discussion
2:30 – Session 3 – Bible Study – Pastor Matthew Habermas, Christ Lutheran Church, Pembroke
3:00 – Closing brief worship
3:15 – Blessings and farewell


… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC congregation in the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited to the 2023 Fall Circuit Forum!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person by Sunday October 15th, or for online by Thursday October 19th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!
  • Each congregation of our Circuit is asked to send at least one lay delegate and one pastoral delegate as they are your ears and your voice in case any decisions need to be made and to bring news and opportunities back to those who could not attend.
  • Official delegates may be entitled to have their transportation costs covered if needed through a cost-sharing assessment program. (Please ask if you are unsure or have questions.)
  • Please let us know in the comment box below if you know you will arrive late or need to leave early to help us plan the day.

… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC or LCMS church NOT part of the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited to the 2023 Fall Circuit Forum too!
  • Please register below and indicate your home church’s name in the comment box.
  • We would be glad to have you and will get back to you with additional details if needed!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person by Sunday October 15th, or for online by Thursday October 19th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!

To register to attend in person or online, please complete the form below.

For online attendees, we will send out a link to join before the day of the Forum.


A big huge thank you to St. Luke Lutheran Church for being willing to host this Circuit Forum and to the ladies and other supporters who are helping provide refreshments and a lunch!

If you have any questions, suggestions, RSVPs, already know you will not be able to make it, or would like to offer to help, etc – please let us know in the comments box on the registration form below.

God grant His blessings on our congregations and missions, people and pastors, missionaries, deaconal workers and chaplains, on our life together as His Church, and on our plans for our Forum!

All Glory be to God Alone!

— the Ottawa Circuit Ministry and Mission Support Committee


We had a great time at this awesome Circuit Forum and Convocation.

Registration is now closed.

banner of the Ottawa Circuit of LCC - mining for Timmins, the big nickel for sudbury, Grace Locksley for the valley, parliament for the capital, fleur-de-lys for Quebec, and a fishing boat for Atlantic Canada

LCC’s Ottawa Circuit Forum – May 6, 2023


People, deaconal workers and pastors from across our 3,000 km-wide Ottawa Circuit with 22+ preaching points in 6 provinces will gather this Saturday May 6th 2023 in person and online to  hear God’s Word, sing and pray together, learn more about the ongoing and new work of the churches of the circuit, learn about and discuss current needs and opportunities to work together, and receive encouragement in the faith and for reaching out in Word and Deed with the love God has for us all.

There have been a number of changes in our circuit since we met last Fall in Kanata, including some you may not have heard about – and more are underway and coming – and there may be ways we together can help, support and encourage each other in word and in deed.  You can help even just by joining the conversation, and you never know when what is going on somewhere else may turn out to help what is happening at your end of the circuit, or vice-versa!

“Our Work Together as Lutheran Church-Canada
and as Members of LCC”

This is a great topic for us as we gather to consider our work individually and as the body of Christ in His Churches of the Ottawa Circuit and beyond.

Come in person if you can, but encourage everyone from your church to join us online too. We will provide the as good online participation as possible. Our Guest Speaker Mr David Friesen will be joining us in person, but the conversation will take place across the circuit!


(all times are in the Eastern time zone; for Atlantic, please add one hour, and for Newfoundland, add 1.5 hours)

9:30 – Arrive, coffee, fellowship
10:00 – Opening worship
– Preacher: Rev. Paul Williams, pastor of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, and vacancy pastor of Zion Lutheran Church (Augsburg ON) and St Luke Lutheran Church (Eganville ON)
10:30 – News, business, opportunities and discussion
12:00 – Lunch (please register below) and fellowship
1:00 – Guest speaker and discussion: David Frieaen, director of advancement, LCC
– Topic for presentation and discussion:

“Our Work Together as Lutheran Church-Canada
and as Members of LCC”

2:30 – Remaining news, opportunities and discussion
3:00 – Closing brief worship
3:15 – Blessings and farewell


… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC congregation in the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited to the 2023 Spring Circuit Forum!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person by Sunday April 30th, or for online by Thursday May 4th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!
  • Each congregation of our Circuit is asked to send at least one lay delegate and one pastoral delegate as they are your ears and your voice in case any decisions need to be made and to bring news and opportunities back to those who could not attend.
  • Official delegates may be entitled to have their transportation costs covered if needed through a cost-sharing assessment program. (Please ask if you are unsure or have questions.)
  • Please let us know in the comment box below if you know you will arrive late or need to leave early to help us plan the day.

… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC or LCMS church NOT part of the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited to the 2023 Spring Circuit Forum too!
  • Please register below and indicate your home church’s name in the comment box.
  • We would be glad to have you and will get back to you with additional details if needed!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person by Sunday April 30th, or for online by Thursday May 4th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!

To register to attend in person or online, please complete the form below.

For online attendees, we will send out a link to join before the day of the Forum.


A big huge thank you to Grace Lutheran Church for being willing to host this Circuit Forum and to the ladies and other supporters who are helping provide refreshments and a lunch!

If you have any questions, suggestions, RSVPs, already know you will not be able to make it, or would like to offer to help, etc – please let us know in the comments box on the registration form below.

God grant His Easter blessings on our congregations and missions, people and pastors, missionaries, deaconal workers and chaplains, on our life together as His Church, and on our plans for our Forum!

Alleluia! Christ is risen!

— the Ottawa Circuit Ministry and Mission Support Committee


(Registration is closed.)r

Ottawa Circuit Forum – Oct 22, 2022


People and pastors from across our 3,000 km-wide circuit with 22 preaching points will gather this October 22nd in person and online to hear God’s Word, sing and pray together, learn more about the ongoing and new work of the churches of the circuit, learn about opportunities to work together, and receive encouragement in the faith and for reaching out in Word and Deed with the love God has for us all.

  • Host Location: Christ Risen Lutheran Church, Kanata ON – 85 Leacock Drive, Kanata
  • When: Saturday, Oct 22 2022 (see schedule below)
  • Preacher: Rev. Dr. Jorge Groh, pastor of Christ Risen Lutheran Church, Kanata
  • Guest Speaker: Lisa Jackson, director of LLL-Canada
  • Topic:

“Talking about your faith and
the Spiritual Conversation Curve in the Digital Age.”


(all times are in the Eastern time zone; for Atlantic, add one hour)

9:30 – arrive, coffee, fellowship
10:00 – opening worship
— Rev. Dr. Jorge Groh, pastor of Christ Risen Lutheran Church, Kanata
10:30 – news, business, opportunities and discussion
12:00 – lunch (please register) and fellowship
1:00 – guest speaker: Lisa Jackson, director of LLL-Canada
— “Talking about your faith and the Spiritual Conversation Curve in the Digital Age.”
2:00 – remaining news, opportunities and discussion
2:45 – closing brief worship
3:00 – blessings and farewell


Member or pastor of an LCC congregation in the Ottawa Circuit?

  • You are invited the 2022 Fall Circuit Forum.
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online.
  • Each congregation of our Circuit is asked to send at least one lay delegate and one pastoral delegate as they are your ears and your voice in case any decisions need to be made and to bring news and opportunities back to those who could not attend.
  • Official delegates may be entitled to have their transportation costs covered if needed through a cost-sharing assessment program. (Please ask if you are unsure or have questions.)
  • Please let us know in the comment box below if you know you will arrive late or need to leave early to help us plan the day.

Member or pastor of an LCC or LCMS church NOT part of the Ottawa Circuit?

  • Please register below and indicate your home church’s name.
  • We would be glad to have you and will get back to you with additional details if needed!
  • Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online.

To register to attend in person or online, please complete the form below.

For online attendees, we will send out a link to join before the day of the Forum.

Hope to see you there!

— the Ottawa Circuit Ministry and Mission Support Committee


(Registration is closed.)

New: Get to know LCC’s Ottawa Circuit

We have a new Circuit website to help people get to know LCC’s Ottawa Circuit — 3,000 kms wide, 22 preaching points, served by pastors, missionaries, bi-vocational pastors, retired pastors, and by confessing Lutheran Christians from Northern and Eastern Ontario to Newfoundland!

It’s still being improved, but it’s already very helpful!

Come see, come connect, come pray with us at

Please note: this website, will continue to be used for events put on by the Ottawa Circuit, so keep coming back to find out what is happening!

— the Ottawa Circuit Ministry and Mission Support Committee

COVID Convocation Webinar Series: The Truth About Sex and Gender


The LCC Ottawa Circuit “COVID Convocation Webinar Series” presents

The Truth about Sex and Gender, with Dr. Miriam Grossman

This will be a three part presentation and each session will include 30 min of Q&A

Sunday December 6, 2020 @ 6:30 – 8pm (EST)

Session 1: The Truth About Gender: The Troubling History of a False Ideology

  • With all the misinformation about gender foisted on us, young people are more confused than ever. This presentation addresses the history of these ideas, and how they are discredited by today’s science.
  • >> HANDOUT <<

Monday December 7, 2020 @6:30 – 8pm (EST)

Session 2: The Truth About Gender: How Children Are Indoctrinated and Parents Are Undermined

  • Is being male or female unrelated to chromosomes and anatomy? Can a woman become a man, and then give birth to a child? This presentation shows how gender theory destroys the lives of young people and their families. It also brings attention to the plight of victims.
  • >> HANDOUT <<

Sunday December 13, 2020 @6:30 – 8pm (EST)

Session 3: You’re Teaching My Child WHAT? Exposing the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child

  • Despite claims made by the sex ed industry, its priority is to promote sexual freedom, not sexual health. The harm to society, and to young women in particular, is staggering. In this presentation Dr. Grossman will support this claim, and argue for an approach that is based on hard science and common sense.
  • Disclaimer: This session will contain explicit discussion of the dangerous sexual practices that are being advocated in current sex-ed curriculums across the country.

Introducing Dr. Grossman

Miriam Grossman, M.D.

Miriam Grossman, M.D., Is a board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist. She earned her medical degree from New York University, did an internship in pediatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in New York City, and completed a residency in psychiatry followed by a fellowship in child and adolescent psychiatry at North Shore Hospital – Cornell University Medical College.

For twelve years, she was on the staff of UCLA’s Student Counselling Services, where nearly all her patients were students in their late teens and twenties. Because of this demographic, and no doubt also because of what’s now called the “hook-up culture”, many students who ended up in her office had a history of genital infections, one or more abortions, possible exposure to HIV, and other troublesome consequences of sexual activity, whether “protected’ or not. She wrote the book “You are teaching my child what?” as a senior fellow at the Clare Boothe Luce Policy institute. Following the release of her book “Unprotected: A Campus Psychiatrist Reveals How Political Correctness Endangers Every Student”, she was interviewed on more than 150 radio, news and television shows. She has also written “Sense & Sexuality: The college girl’s guide to real protection in a hooked-up world”, and “Black & White Puppy” – a book addressed to children. Dr. Grossman’s work has received positive reviews in the Wall Street Journal, National Review, The Weekly Standard, The American Spectator,,, and elsewhere. She is a contributing columnist at and speaks to parents, students, educators, and health professionals internationally on the dangers of political correctness in her profession.
Learn more at


unprotected book image

Register for this Webinar

Please note: there are two separate registration links below. Please register for the sessions you plan to attend.  

Registration Link: The Truth About Gender – Sessions 1 & 2 (Dec. 6 & 7)

Registration Link: You’re Teaching My Child WHAT? – Session 3 (Dec. 13)

Download Advertising Posters

Sessions 1 & 2 – The Truth About Gender
Session 3 – You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?


Contact us

COVID Convocation Webinar Series: Church and Government


The LCC Ottawa Circuit “COVID Convocation Webinar Series” presents

Lutheran Theology and Political Resistance, with Dr. Ryan C. MacPherson

This will be a two part presentation

Part I: The Magdeburg Confession of 1550

RECORDING (from Monday, October 5th)

  • Additional HANDOUT (follow-up from first session)

Part II: How to Avoid Reading Romans 13 like a Nazi

RECORDING (from Tuesday, October 6th)

  • Additional HANDOUT (follow-up from first session)

Introducing Dr. MacPherson

Dr. MacPherson serves as director of the Center for Apologetics and Worldview Studies and Professor of History and Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, Minn. He formerly served as senior editor for The Family in America: A Journal of Public Policy and as a board member for the Evangelical Lutheran Synod Historical Society. His books include: Rediscovering the American Republic: The Quest for Ordered Liberty, Telling the Next Generation: The Evangelical Lutheran Synod’s Vision for Christian Education, and Studying Luther’s Large Catechism: A Workbook for Christian Discipleship. Learn more at

Select bibliography

Dr MacPherson has published a number of articles on this topic, including:

Dr. MacPherson was recently a guest on Issues etc.

Register for this Webinar

The event date has passed.

Essentially Serving – French Ministries in Confinement

by David Somers

(NOTE: This article originally published at – Ed.)

QUEBEC – Physical distancing protocols and confinement as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have created avenues for LCC’s francophone congregations that we may not have imagined or attempted before.

The fears surrounding the threat of COVID-19 have opened the door for genuine inquiries about members’ and contacts’ wellbeing. People are more receptive to the church’s questions and concerns about their wellness of mind, body, and spirit – and even welcome this type of contact, not just on a singular basis, but often as this virus remains among us. Frequent phone calls and ZOOM worship services; emailing daily devotions, weekly Bible studies and sermons for adults; as well as sharing videos and worksheets on each Sunday’s Gospel lesson for children have become the accepted normal for our francophone churches in Quebec – as we continue the work we ought to do, through new mediums.

The increased communication in depth and breadth has been well-received. Never before have our services been so consistently well-attended. Never before have so many families and their children been regularly following Sunday school instruction. Never before have we had so many catechumens at one time so faithfully participating in Christian instruction with the full and active support of their parents.

Never before have our services been so consistently well-attended. Never before have so many families and their children been regularly following Sunday school instruction. Never before have we had so many catechumens at one time so faithfully participating in Christian instruction with the full and active support of their parents.

In the case of the catechesis, all of the participating children are those of families that had rarely been seen in worship service in the past 1-4 years, but responded to the invitation to use this time in confinement as a chance to benefit from Christian education! Indeed, 10 households that had all but disappeared from the church are back as regular participants!

In hard-hit Quebec, as members, friends, families and colleagues have fallen ill and even passed away, requests for prayers increased, as did the congregations’ active response to them through phone calls, emails, and in the home. Our congregations continue to grow as praying communities, more than ever before.

When time for re-opening the churches in Quebec came in July, members began stepping up willingly and enthusiastically in Christian charity, with patience and helpfulness – a demonstration of an esprit de corps at a level not previously so prolongedly experienced among us.

When time for re-opening the churches in Quebec came in July, members began stepping up willingly and enthusiastically in Christian charity, with patience and helpfulness – a demonstration of an esprit de corps at a level not previously so prolongedly experienced among us.

During the confinement, we have increasingly taken advantage of the liturgical richness of the Lutheran Church through Matins and Vespers on ZOOM with their particular hymns, and appropriate prayers, such as the Suffrages. Pre-virus, the typical service twice a week in Montreal was one of three eucharistic liturgies. One example of the new opportunities to worship is Quebec Lutherans’ joining Good Shepherd in Moncton, New Brunswick, for Tuesday Vespers commemorating the minor festival of the week and catechetical instruction. Rev. David Milette is the liturgist and I offer the meditation. Another aspect of this increased use of the liturgical wealth is the commemoration of the saints and festivals of the Church – often forgotten – during those services. For example, in the month of August, the feasts of St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Bartholomew and the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist were celebrated. These services also serve as a way for Good Shepherd to reach out to the wider Acadian community in French and allows Quebec (and elsewhere) to support New Brunswick: a weekly mission trip by ZOOM!

It is indeed true: Built on the Rock the Church doth stand – even when church buildings are closed, even when we cannot congregate and commune as before, even when we cannot sing together in person. We can nevertheless worship as surely as ever.

Until Pentecost (and even now), we turned to our sister church in France for weekly live Bible studies and YouTube services (since France was set up for confinement services before us, we could simply join what they had already been doing for weeks). Confinement proved to be a great opportunity for members here to get to know that church more intimately than ever before. Special editions of daily devotions were produced by that church body and shared with us electronically. Then, as of Pentecost, we had joint (Qc-Mtl) Zoom Sunday Matins from Montreal (from my living room). When the church building where we meet was opened in July, services were held there Sundays (with ZOOM) and Mondays. Overall attendance has been higher at the Zoom services than in-church services. In all, we have increased the number of weekly services from 3 to 5 for the time being. A virtual choir (another COVID-19 era development) has been organized by a Montreal member. To celebrate the Reformation this year, it has taken on an international flavour with members of the church in France accepting Quebec’s invitation to join the choir. Francophone Lutherans in Haiti and the USA have also been invited to sing along.

In this horrible and cruel pandemic the Word has not only persisted but transformed, enlightened, strengthened and energized us like never before in an across-the-board way. Proclamation of the Word is not bound, but is flourishing. It is indeed true: Built on the Rock the Church doth stand – even when church buildings are closed, even when we cannot congregate and commune as before, even when we cannot sing together in person. We can nevertheless worship as surely as ever.

So now the church is being strengthened, if challenged, and can faithfully preach the Word and administer the Sacrament in new circumstances. We are not paralyzed by new constraints, but energized by them. The Word is no less effective in these times – indeed, all the more so, as more people are being regularly fed and edified by that abiding Word in times of trouble, a bulwark in the storm. We are not frozen in grief over the paradigm of how things used to be but, instead, pushed to the limits to joyfully, creatively, and fully be led forward in Faith to the glory of God.

The Church does not know what tomorrow will bring, but certainly knows how to live today – as it always has.

Dr David Somers

LCC MAL, French ministries


Rev. Dr. David Somers serves as Missionary at Large for Lutheran Church–Canada’s French ministries in the province of Quebec.

“Go and Be Reconciled”: What does this mean?

(NOTE: originally published at – Ed.)

Good Shepherd, Moncton NB, is hosting a two week live, online seminar series over two Wednesdays on September 23 and 30th, from 6:30-7:30pm (Atlantic) each time.   This will take the place of our midweek online Bible Study for these two weeks.


At a Glance

The Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean? seminar can be presented as a half-day up to a full-day Bible study on reconciling relationships and resolving conflict. Each of the six lesson of the seminar reviews one of the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism.During Good Shepherd’s midweek online Bible Study on Sept 23 and 30 (6:30-7:30pm), Pastor David Smilek (who is also our LCC Ottawa Circuit Counselor) will introduce this topic, and we hope to come back to it early next year for more.

Who Should Attend?

Everyone will Benefit!

In this engaging and inspiring presentation, you will see how God’s ministry of reconciliation is meant to be lived out in your daily life. You’ll learn practical ways to apply your Christian faith in family, business, church, and legal conflicts. Since all children of God are called to be peacemakers, this Bible study is appropriate for every Christian. Church leaders who have responsibilities for teaching and assisting others in their conflicts will find this seminar especially helpful for assisting others to respond to conflict in a biblically faithful manner.

The cross can remind us how we are reconciled


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Join our Seminar this evening and next week online as you would any of our studies or services by visiting  

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