Pentecost 2013: Elder Helmut Fittler, Pastor David Milette, and M and M, newly baptized and confirmed respectively. Thanks be to God!
On the first Pentecost of the Chuch, the Saviour and Lord of the Church kept His promise and poured out His Holy Spirit in a special way upon His chosen apostles… and upon those who heard them! And having proclaimed the death and resurrection of the Christ and brought them to repentance and faith in Christ’s name, three thousand were baptized that day.
On the festival of Pentecost 2013 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Moncton NB, the same Saviour and Lord kept His promise — He always does — and after having worked and strengthened repentance and faith in them through the Spirit-filled Good News of Christ crucified and risen, our Good Shepherd brought M. to Himself through Holy Baptism and M. to confess His God-given faith as a Baptized child of God!
Praise the Lord that He continues His Work of making disciples of ALL NATIONS today!
+ SDG! +