“Go and Be Reconciled”: What does this mean?

(NOTE: originally published at https://www.goodshepherd.nb.ca/go-and-be-reconciled-what-does-this-mean/ – Ed.)

Good Shepherd, Moncton NB, is hosting a two week live, online seminar series over two Wednesdays on September 23 and 30th, from 6:30-7:30pm (Atlantic) each time.   This will take the place of our midweek online Bible Study for these two weeks.


At a Glance

The Go and Be Reconciled: What Does This Mean? seminar can be presented as a half-day up to a full-day Bible study on reconciling relationships and resolving conflict. Each of the six lesson of the seminar reviews one of the six chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism.During Good Shepherd’s midweek online Bible Study on Sept 23 and 30 (6:30-7:30pm), Pastor David Smilek (who is also our LCC Ottawa Circuit Counselor) will introduce this topic, and we hope to come back to it early next year for more.

Who Should Attend?

Everyone will Benefit!

In this engaging and inspiring presentation, you will see how God’s ministry of reconciliation is meant to be lived out in your daily life. You’ll learn practical ways to apply your Christian faith in family, business, church, and legal conflicts. Since all children of God are called to be peacemakers, this Bible study is appropriate for every Christian. Church leaders who have responsibilities for teaching and assisting others in their conflicts will find this seminar especially helpful for assisting others to respond to conflict in a biblically faithful manner.

The cross can remind us how we are reconciled


Click here for an interactive page to learn more about it: https://www.aorhope.org/gabr-cross-diagram

More information about this seminar is available at https://www.aorhope.org/gabr-seminar

Join us for this special opportunity

Join our Seminar this evening and next week online as you would any of our studies or services by visiting www.GoodShepherd.nb.ca.  

(Please let us know if you have any trouble, it will help us keep it accessible to everyone.)

Review the Small Catechism this Pentecost Season

The Six Chief Parts of Christian, Biblical Doctrine: The Law, the Three Articles of the Faith, the Lord's Prayer, Holy Baptism, Holy Keys, and Holy Communion.

The Six Chief Parts of Christian, Biblical Doctrine: The Law, the Three Articles of the Faith, the Lord’s Prayer, Holy Baptism, Holy Keys, and Holy Communion.

Members of Lutheran Churches at their confirmation say that they have found the teaching of Luther’s Small Catechism to be a faithful summary exposition of the Bible’s teaching, and they pledge to remain faithful to this teaching for life.  After all, the Catechism is nothing but God’s own life-saving and life-giving +Word!

But it gets hard after a while even to remember these words unless they are periodically reviewed (same thing even happens with favourite Bible passages and stories).  A number of people have their catechism on their nightstand along side their Bible and perhaps their hymnal too.  But this foundation of Biblical doctrine intended to help us find our way through the many pages of Scripture without loosing sight of the Law and Gospel and of Christ our Saviour and God’s saving ways with His people too often quickly does become a vague impression or broken memory.

For the last number of years, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Moncton NB has been doing an annual catechism review during the long Pentecost Season that usually stretches from June to November, give or take a few Sundays.  This roughly six month period works out well for reviewing the Six Chief Parts on Sunday mornings during the Divine Service, each part having a natural “spot” where it fits best therein (for example, we review the Commandments before we confess our sins, and we review the Lord’s Prayer before we pray).  It even fits well with the times, as we review the mealtime prayers around (Canadian) Thanksgiving, and Confession and Absolution around Reformation (which was started over absolution vs. indulgences).

The Small Catechism in Stained Glass, from Faith Lutheran Church, Dartmouth NS (now St Andrew's, Halifax NS)

The Small Catechism in Stained Glass, from Faith Lutheran Church, Dartmouth NS (now St Andrew’s, Halifax NS)

Whether you can join us in person or not, we invite you to join us in reviewing our Small Catechisms this year.  To help, here is the schedule we will be following (though we may “adjust it” from time to time as needed!).

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Feed My Lambs: 2012-2013 Daycare Chapel at Good Shepherd, Moncton NB

Pastor Milette teaching the little ones the Good News about God's love for us in Jesus, our Saviour, at Pentecost!

Pastor Milette teaching the little ones the Good News about God’s love for us in Jesus, our Saviour, at Pentecost!

“Feed My Lambs,” the Lord told Peter after Easter, as He was restoring the formerly Christ-denying disciple (John 21:15-19).  Jesus had told him this before — “When you have turned again,strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:31-32).

Every school year since 2006, in a partnership between Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Kingswood Academy Daycare in Moncton NB, Pastor David Milette has been sharing the Good News that we have a Saviour in Jesus Christ, God’s Son with many of the daycare children — especially with those who are getting ready for Kindergarten!  As this school year comes to a close, Pentecost was observed among these happy preschoolers in a special way with rushing winds (from fans), tongues of flames (coloured ones), and most importantly a series of “recap” Bible Stories and different stanzas of hymns we have learned together all through the year.  Furthermore, these little lambs did a great job turning the tables on Pastor and telling him the Good News of God’s love for us using the words of the Apostles’ Creed!

For those who want to continue singing with their children at home (or learn some new songs), here is a sampling of some of the songs we learned together these past few years “in Chapel.”

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Pentecost 2013: Adult Baptism and Confirmation at Good Shepherd, Moncton NB

Pentecost 2013: Adult Baptism and Confrmation at GSLC Moncton

Pentecost 2013: Elder Helmut Fittler, Pastor David Milette, and M and M, newly baptized and confirmed respectively.  Thanks be to God!

On the first Pentecost of the Chuch, the Saviour and Lord of the Church kept His promise and poured out His Holy Spirit in a special way upon His chosen apostles… and upon those who heard them!  And having proclaimed the death and resurrection of the Christ and brought them to repentance and faith in Christ’s name, three thousand were baptized that day.

On the festival of Pentecost 2013 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Moncton NB, the same Saviour and Lord kept His promise — He always does — and after having worked and strengthened repentance and faith in them through the Spirit-filled Good News of Christ crucified and risen, our Good Shepherd brought M. to Himself through Holy Baptism and M. to confess His God-given faith as a Baptized child of God!

Praise the Lord that He continues His Work of making disciples of ALL NATIONS today!

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