Watch the Installation Service of Rev. Jacob Quast as LCC Director of Domestic Missions and join with all LCC in thanksgiving, prayers and praises for God’s saving gifts in Jesus Christ and the work to come by the work of the Holy Spirit!
WINNIPEG – On May 5, Rev. Jacob Quast was installed as Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Director of Domestic Missions. He began work at LCC’s synodical office in Winnipeg on May 1. “As I enter this new position, it is with deep humility for the trust that is being shown me by Synod to undertake such a responsibility,” Rev. Quast said… (READ MORE from the Canadian Lutheran article.)
Getting to Know LCC’s New Director of Domestic Missions
Rev. Jacob Quast answers 7 questions about himself and his new role as LCC’s Director of Domestic Missions. (READ MORE from the Canadian Lutheran article of June 6, 2024)
Prayers for Ministry, Missions and Outreach
+ + + To God alone be all glory
and the Good News of His Salvation in Christ
be to all people everywhere! + + +