People, deaconal workers and pastors from across our 3,000 km-wide Ottawa Circuit with 22+ preaching points in 6 provinces will gather this Saturday May 6th 2023 in person and online to hear God’s Word, sing and pray together, learn more about the ongoing and new work of the churches of the circuit, learn about and discuss current needs and opportunities to work together, and receive encouragement in the faith and for reaching out in Word and Deed with the love God has for us all.
There have been a number of changes in our circuit since we met last Fall in Kanata, including some you may not have heard about – and more are underway and coming – and there may be ways we together can help, support and encourage each other in word and in deed. You can help even just by joining the conversation, and you never know when what is going on somewhere else may turn out to help what is happening at your end of the circuit, or vice-versa!
- Host congregation & location:
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Locksley
( Map & Directions: 423 Witt Rd, Pembroke, ON ) - When: Saturday May 6 2023 (see schedule and registration instructions below)
- Preacher: Rev. Paul Williams, pastor of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, and vacancy pastor of Zion Lutheran Church (Augsburg ON) and St Luke Lutheran Church (Eganville ON)
- Guest Speaker: David Frieaen, director of advancement, Lutheran Church-Canada
- Topic for presentation and discussion:
“Our Work Together as Lutheran Church-Canada
and as Members of LCC”
This is a great topic for us as we gather to consider our work individually and as the body of Christ in His Churches of the Ottawa Circuit and beyond.
Come in person if you can, but encourage everyone from your church to join us online too. We will provide the as good online participation as possible. Our Guest Speaker Mr David Friesen will be joining us in person, but the conversation will take place across the circuit!
(all times are in the Eastern time zone; for Atlantic, please add one hour, and for Newfoundland, add 1.5 hours)
9:30 – Arrive, coffee, fellowship
10:00 – Opening worship
– Preacher: Rev. Paul Williams, pastor of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, and vacancy pastor of Zion Lutheran Church (Augsburg ON) and St Luke Lutheran Church (Eganville ON)
10:30 – News, business, opportunities and discussion
12:00 – Lunch (please register below) and fellowship
1:00 – Guest speaker and discussion: David Frieaen, director of advancement, LCC
– Topic for presentation and discussion:“Our Work Together as Lutheran Church-Canada
and as Members of LCC”2:30 – Remaining news, opportunities and discussion
3:00 – Closing brief worship
3:15 – Blessings and farewell
… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC congregation in the Ottawa Circuit?
- You are invited to the 2023 Spring Circuit Forum!
- Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person by Sunday April 30th, or for online by Thursday May 4th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!
- Each congregation of our Circuit is asked to send at least one lay delegate and one pastoral delegate as they are your ears and your voice in case any decisions need to be made and to bring news and opportunities back to those who could not attend.
- Official delegates may be entitled to have their transportation costs covered if needed through a cost-sharing assessment program. (Please ask if you are unsure or have questions.)
- Please let us know in the comment box below if you know you will arrive late or need to leave early to help us plan the day.
… member, deaconal worker or pastor of an LCC or LCMS church NOT part of the Ottawa Circuit?
- You are invited to the 2023 Spring Circuit Forum too!
- Please register below and indicate your home church’s name in the comment box.
- We would be glad to have you and will get back to you with additional details if needed!
- Please indicate if you will be attending in person (if so, stay for lunch?) or online. If possible, please register for in person by Sunday April 30th, or for online by Thursday May 4th. If you miss the deadline, register as soon as possible and please come anyway!
To register to attend in person or online, please complete the form below.
For online attendees, we will send out a link to join before the day of the Forum.
A big huge thank you to Grace Lutheran Church for being willing to host this Circuit Forum and to the ladies and other supporters who are helping provide refreshments and a lunch!
If you have any questions, suggestions, RSVPs, already know you will not be able to make it, or would like to offer to help, etc – please let us know in the comments box on the registration form below.
God grant His Easter blessings on our congregations and missions, people and pastors, missionaries, deaconal workers and chaplains, on our life together as His Church, and on our plans for our Forum!
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
— the Ottawa Circuit Ministry and Mission Support Committee
(Registration is closed.)r